Sunday, December 30, 2007

Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot...

Last week, someone had the fabulous idea to thank everyone important to him in a Christmas week post.  I decided to steal that idea, and give it a New Year's theme.  I've been trying to get this up for a few days, but--here's a newsflash--taking care of two kids is hard!  I honestly don't know if I could do this 24/7.  All of you stay-at-home moms have my undying admiration. Going to work is like a spa day by comparison.

To set the mood,  here is one of my favorite cheesy lite rock classics, "Auld Lang Syne" by the late Dan Fogelberg, who passed away just this month.  This song reminds me of being in the car with my mom as a kid, but as I've grown up, I've learned to appreciate it as a pretty awesome song, regardless of my nostalgia for the time it evokes.  

I know it's not exactly hip or cool, but then neither am I...just a fountain of useless information and, sometimes, a great big sap.  Hit play to have this lovely song accompany your reading of the following:

To my husband Mike.  You support me in everything I do, and this has been no different.  It's been a tough year for you, but the light at the end of the tunnel is very bright as we approach 2008.  Thanks for listening to me talk excitedly about stuff I want to blog, ideas for the site and putting up with all my freakouts about the damn computer (among other things!) It's hard to believe we're coming up on eight years of marriage and twelve years together in April.  I like to believe the even numbered years can only bring good luck and good fortune, even though I have absolutely nothing on which to base that theory.  Let's just go with it.  Love you, babe!

To my kids, even though neither of them can read this yet.  Hannah and Max, you are the best things I've ever done with my life, and I adore you both.  Even when you climb on the table or stall at bedtime.

To my parents, who are always there to listen and cheer me on.  Mom, it was a difficult year, to say the least, but your positive attitude got you through again and it will do so for many years to come.  You're a tough cookie, lady!  I love you both!

To all of my in-laws (I have two sets!), but I must especially thank my mother-in-law Donna. She bails me out time and again when I need help with sick kids, doctor visits and moral support on anything.  I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

To my siblings, both by birth and by law, who are also great friends to me.  I'm very lucky in that sense.  I must give a special shout-out to my brother-in-law Adam, who has actually posted comments, passed along ideas and checks the blog and the Bean regularly.  That's dedication!  

To all of my friends, who have taken the time to read the blog and let me know when they've found something funny or have complimented my writing, especially Joan and Mindy.  It really means the world to me.

To Don, who encouraged me to try this in the first place.  As a result, you also had to put up with all my silly questions, so thanks for your patience.  Also, thanks for your friendship, constructive criticism and collaboration.  I'm looking forward to big things for The Bean in '08.

To EJ, who completes our pop culture triumverate in the blogosphere and on The Bean.  I can't remember ever feeling such a kinship with someone I've never actually met, but now I know it's possible.

To the rest of the Spunkybean crew, whom I've also physically yet to meet, let's do that in '08, OK?

And finally, since this is supposed to be all about pop culture, here's a bit from one of the best movies ever, in my humble opinion; the last two minutes of When Harry Met Sally.  I just love when Billy Crystal jokes about the meaning of "Auld Lang Syne".  You'll have to suffer through the mushy stuff to get there, so just deal.

Happy New Year!


Don said...

Well done! I always love being acknowledged. Thanks.

LOVE that you are now adding musical accompaniment and video ...*sniff* ...its like watching your child go off to school, I imagine.

I know ...always an analogy. But I do love them, so.

Happy New Year!!!

arfboy65 said...

what? wait! did I miss something? do I have to read these things all the way through? Also, do I have to wash my hands EVERY time I use the bathroom?

Happy New Year, Myndi! :)

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