Monday, December 17, 2007

My Head Might Explode!

I knew this movie was coming, but now that I've seen the trailer, I don't know if I can stand all the hotness that will be on display in Leatherheads, the upcoming film about football set in (I think) the 1920's and starring my imaginary boyfriend, John Krasinski, and legendary stud George Clooney, a man I've adored since his stint on the later years of The Facts of Life.  I am a little jealous that the overhyped Renee Zellweger is the object of both men's affections, however.  Sure, she looks good in all those period clothes, even with that face that looks like she's always sucking on a lemon, but didn't she already hit the jackpot when she had Hugh Grant and Colin Firth fight over her in two Bridget Jones movies?  Spread the wealth, Renee!  Geez!  

Here's the trailer.  Please to enjoy...

1 comment:

arfboy65 said...

that movie looks great except for...Renee Zellweger! I just don't get it.